The warmest time of the year is between June and August (the summer months) when the average daily temperature is 26°C (79°F). It is not uncommon for the temperature to be much higher (32°C/90°F or more), particularly in July, and as low as 15°C overnight.
Our fall season is from September to late October when temperatures drop, particularly at night. A cozy time of year, where a sweater may be needed. The beautiful colours are worth the wait though, and make the scenery spectacular!
The cooler months are typically November through to March (winter season). Temperatures can dip way below zero (-8 to -12 degrees Celsius) and winter clothing is a must. The average temperature is -6 degrees Celsius. Depending on temperatures, a blanket of snow may add sparkle to the scenery, creating a magical winter wonderland.
Spring officially arrives the end of March and runs through June. While nights are still cool, average daytime temperatures (8°C/46.4°F) vary greatly during this time, warming up gradually and giving way to amazing blooms.
For more on our weather conditions and long-term forecasts visit The Weather Network website.
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